Town Hall

Toonkel, in the character of My Period, will call the meeting to order with opening remarks on both Saturday and Sunday. Flags specifically made for this occasion by Zackary Drucker will be flown throughout the weekend. Town Hall is a weekend of performances using the arena and construct of the town hall forum to explore the role of artist within the community, specifically the commercialization and fetishization of political identity. The artists to perform in the round include Tyler Calkin, Ali Kheradyar, Rachel Mason, Arturo Molinar Avitia, Zoe Aja Moore, Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs, Sarah Petersen, Christopher Reynolds, Christy Roberts Berkowitz, Nick Rodrigues, Molly Shea, Darling Shear-Squire, Liz Toonkel, Jason Triefenbach, and Paul Waddell. While these performances will be held in rapid succession, the floor will be open in between performances for questions and comments from the audience. The town hall meeting and its tropes, from political discourse to local complaints, from donuts to coffee, are universal, accessible and almost too familiar at this political moment. These artists will bring a little life, levity and listening opportunities to a community in distress, disorder and dismay.